Home Warranty One Helps Alabama Homeowners Plan for the Unplanned

Elite Plans Cover a Range of Areas and Appliances

Picture this: you’ve saved up a sizeable down payment for a new home, made a few payments on your new mortgage, and have paid off moving expenses. You’re carefully budgeting to purchase new furniture and decor that will suit your house. Then, suddenly your upstairs toilet overflows and leaks down into the downstairs. Not only do you have to clean up a huge mess and hire someone to fix it all, but you’re also set back with a bill to the tune of thousands of dollars.

For countless homeowners each year, this story isn’t just a scenario. It’s a reality and an expensive one at that. Home Warranty One is working to make things easier on homeowners in Arkansas and their pocketbooks with their comprehensive home warranty plans. They offer three distinct Elite plans to help homeowners protect themselves against unforeseen costs and emergencies. These plans have options for a year, two years, or three years of coverage. Each plan covers 18 essential areas and appliances. They are also renewable and transferable, so you can pass them onto new owners if you choose to sell your home. They come with 24/7 access to Home Warranty One’s service center for your peace of mind. Optional coverage options are available as well. 

For homeowners in Arkansas who want to avoid the sticker shock of an unexpected home repair, Home Warranty One’s Elite Plans just make good sense. To learn more about the available plans and how to enroll, visit www.myhomewarrantyone.com/contact/.

About Home Warranty One:

Home Warranty One is locally-owned and operated, headquartered in Memphis, Tennessee. Home Warranty One provides affordable, accessible plans to homeowners who want to protect their homes and finances from unexpected costs.

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